May is ending in Somerset with a crescendo of blossom and glorious weather – after what seemed like a long, cold spring it seems even more welcome with the hedges full of hawthorn blossom and the cow parsley rising up to meet it. I have never known such a good year for blossom, our native trees need the cold of winter to stimulate flowering and so combined with calm, dry conditions this May they have flowered in abundance. I’ve been busy with some lovely weddings and workshops this spring – full of bluebells, poppies and tulips.
The bees in the orchard have swarmed several times already, our solitary bee larvae have all hatched out from last year and we have seen grass snakes sunbathing by the stream. The garden seems filled with birds and their fledglings, and more and more butterflies every day. It is so important to us to encourage wildlife so ‘weeds’ have been left wherever possible as they are such an important food and nectar source. We never use chemicals here – even our fertilizer is made from local horse manure and nettles.
In the cutting beds I have been very grateful for the beautiful, huge tulips and the seemingly endless white honesty. The sweet peas have just begun flowering, bringing with them the scent of summer. The ranunculus are also only just getting into their stride – 2-3 weeks later than usual but very welcome nonetheless. Roses and peonies are covered in fat buds, if feels like everything is coming at once!
Alongside my usual mixed seasonal bunches and bouquets I will have specialty bunches available periodically – I will try and let you lovely subscribers know first as these will be limited. Today’s offering are beautiful mixed ranunculus:
I will also try and let you know first about ‘pick you own’ opportunities – in particular sweet peas and dahlias are usually popular and I seem to have even more dahlia tubers this year than ever!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend and do let me know if you fancy a bunch, bouquet or bucket of fresh, locally grown flowers!
Sacha x